Sunday, January 7, 2018

Photo to accompany Low Carb Posting and comments. Before and after Lipid Panel numbers. I remain on the same medications as before. Statin drugs but no blood pressure medications. So my overall Cholesterol levels didn't change. It runs around 130 these days. I was pre-diabetic before but that went away after 6 months on the low-carb diet. If I remember correctly, my blood sugar numbers usually ran around 180 but dropped below 100 after 6 months on the diet - usually in the 80's these days. Systolic blood pressure is usually between 110 and 120 while diastolic is usually between 60 and 70. I've always had high blood pressure before the diet. Sometimes as high as 140/90 or even higher. Anyway, let me know what you think. Make a comment below. Thanks.

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