Bro Steve:
Yusuf is one of our Bible students. He heard our radio program, and has already studied with me 5 times (at least 10 hours). Last Sunday he came to our worship and saw a difference in the characteristics of the people he met here and those of the group where he formerly worshiped. He said. "saya merasa dianggap sebagai manusia yang dihargai" ("I feel like someone who is valued"). Those were his own words. After studying with us he became confused because of the teaching he got from the former group about miraculous signs, tithing, musical instruments and other things. He also discussed these things with Alip since I had told Alip that this person was a Muslim and is still learning, Monday he came to sudy and asked for more time to study in private. He said he needs to know completely without any disturbance from other students and their questions. He has other friends that he wants to teach and to bring with him to our class once he is fully convinced that we teach the truth. I have given him my phone number and I told him that he can contact me anytime.and if I'm free I will answer his questions.