Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Report from Martin Johnson - Central Java
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Report from Colin and Ellen McKee
Monday, April 27, 2009
Toloasa's weekly report
Photos of Tuloasa:
Brother Steve and Brother Daniel, in Christ.
The following is a report of my work for the week just past:
1. I continued evangelism lesson with the family of Dermawan Laia and his wife, Yunila Lase. Our lesson or discussion was entitled: “The Importance Of Knowing the Lord” (John 17:3; Hos 4:6; 2 Pet 3:17)
2. With my wife and brother Yuni’aro Lase, I visited with and was introduced to Ina Riyanto Hulu. This lady is a widow with 2 older children. Her husband passed away about 6 months ago from lung disease. She is active in a denominational church and works as a business woman in the market. Yuni’aro Lase introduced me to her and, praise the Lord, she is ready to receive and welcome Bible study once a week. We will meet every Friday evening at 7:30 PM Yesterday she attended our worship services at the Suka Baru congregation.
3. I delivered a World Bible Study lesson to bro Hendri Siahaan. I only met his wife because he was at work. I will try again to meet with him directly to discuss the word of God.
4. I taught the midweek class of Suka Baru. 23 people attended and this week it was held at the home of Wa’onacokhi Halawa. Our text was Eph 5:15-17 on the subject, “Understanding the Will of God.”
5. I preached at the worship services of Suka Baru with 47 in attendance who received the Lord’s Supper and there were 4 guests.
My plan for next week:
1. Serve the congregations of Suka Baru and Mariendal
2. Continue the Bible studies with bro Dermawan Laia and Ina Riyanto Hulu
3. Continue to make an effort to find souls to be brought to Christ through His Gospel.
That’s my report. Thank you and God bless you.
In Christ,
Tulo’asa Ndruru
Fitstown Oklahoma Trip
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Proverty in Jakarta
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Street Children
Monday, April 20, 2009
Report from Tuloasa in Medan
Friday, April 17, 2009
Dennis' comments about the new children's home on Nias.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Daniel Visits a Children's Home in Bogor
Friday the 10th of April my family and I went to Bogor to collect information about the orphanage. This orphanage was managed by my grandmother who served there 36 years until she died at her age of 81. The building has been renovated and has 2 floors with around 50 rooms – enough space for about 150 children. At present they only have around 48 children because of lack of contributions. The manager said that they depend totally on their visitors for contributions. Their foundation only provides the building.
At present, most of the children are from Nias, having lost their parents in the earthquake of 2005, and east Timor because of war. The manager took them from those areas since he had formerly been a social worker in those areas.
I took my friend, who also had been an orphan since he was 1 ½ years old. He's like a brother to me and was a great help to my grandmother when she managed the orphanage. The orphanage has 1 big room for gathering and studying, it has a library and a big dining room,, 2 kitchens, 10 rest rooms, 50 bedrooms – each with 3 beds, 1 big guest room, and 2 rooms for the managers living quarters. At present it is managed by one man who is helped by his friends who help with the cooking and who help in teaching the children. The children attend public schools and usually graduate from high school. They range in age are from 2 to 19 except for one person that has been at the home since 1952. He's now 66 and still remembers me. The home still follows the regimen set by my grandmother:
4:30 get up and shower
5:00 prayer
5:30 breakfast
6:00 ready for school
11:00 home from school (elementary school children)
1:30 home from school (high school)
2:00 rest
3:00 playing and cleaning
4:00 studying
6:00 dinner
7:00 prayer and free time
9:00 bed time
The foundation has operated this orphanage since 1952 when my grandmother became the Superintendent. Children graduating from high school are encouraged to attend one of the universities in the city. Surprisingly, there are not many rules or regulations currently governing homes of this kind in Indonesia. Foundations operating homes of this kind should have a permanent place in which to house the children and guarantees of adequate funding.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Friday, April 10, 2009
Children's Home Bogor

Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Combined Worship Service in the Ruko
Daniel was going to post a report of the combined worship service following the seminar, but had a death in the family. I'm posting his latest e-mail to me instead so you will have some idea of what a great weekend it was. Daniel, however, was saddened to learn Monday morning that his cousin (the son of an uncle who died last week) was found dead in a pool of water. They don't yet know the cause. The police are investigating. Either Daniel or I will post more news about it when we know more. Please use the "comment" line below to post a message to us. Thanks. We like reading mail.
Bro Steve:
One student, several from Alip's congregation, and several from the Pinangsia congregation, came to worship. We had a full house. Some of our members had to sit on the stairs. Colin preached. but (I'm sorry) no one took photos either before, during or after worship. I myself led singing, Marty and Santo (one of our members) served the Lord's Supper, Alip led the first prayer, Jerom (Alip's son) read the scripture, and Manto (Alip's brother) led the closing prayer. I thought they were happy. Manto and Hutasoit (Alip's congregation) said that we should gather at least once every 3 months. I told them that our Ruko is open every Sunday. We had snacks after worship and enjoyed each other's company for another hour.
Alip said in the announcements that his congregation helps the congregation in Jogyakarta and that Colin also helps them. They will have a WBS seminar and Marty and Alepson (preacher in Semarang, Central Java) will be the speakers in a one-day seminar.
Colin seemed better after taking his antibiotic. He said perhaps he had bronchitis like he got in the USA.